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Community Policing Blotter

Darbo Bike Rodeo

July 30, 2013 9:35 PM

On a hot July afternoon the annual Darbo-Worthington neighborhood bike rodeo took place. Participation from youth was up from previous years with almost 60-70 children attending. This was the second annual neighborhood bike rodeo for the children.  This opportunity provided a bicycle safety component, helmet dissemination, decorating of helmets and bikes, bike repair and a bike parade led by Madison Police East District Communtiy Police Team Officers.  The event coordiantor was Neighborhood Officer Susie Gonzales.

The Department of Corrections donated funds to assist in this event.  The DOC also had a table with volunteers, which incorporated a bicycle raffle give-a-way. MPD had several communtiy partners for this event including Joining Forces for Families, The Salvation Army, WE Conserve, Free Wheel Community Bike Shop, City of Madison Safety Educator, Eastpointe Apartments/Meridian, the Goodman Center, and Habush Habush & Rottier.  Habush, Habush & Rottier donated 50 children's bicycle helmets to the event.  Approximately 48 helmets were given away to the neighborhood.

Overall a fun event that focused on bicycle safety.


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