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Community Policing Blotter

Mounted Police offer to visit Northside Community Parks!

August 9, 2013 11:44 AM

Coming to a PARK NEAR YOU!

The mounted patrol is currently seeking a BEAUTIFUL PARK in YOUR neighborhood to host its "Community Corral".  It is amazing to see how many people come to say HELLO to the horses, but have never met EACH OTHER! Part of making a community safe is knowing who lives around you and the police horses can help break the ice for neighbors to meet...

We schedule these informal visits to neighborhood parks as part of our neighborhood patrol shifts around the City of Madison, Monday-Thursday afternoons, rain or shine. We schedule in advance so that families and friends can mark their calendars to come say hello and don't miss out on the chance to meet the largest 4-legged members of the police department!

Let us know if YOUR neighborhood park could benefit from a visit by the horses! We are pre-scheduling into September and October NOW but dates are limited! Preference will be given to the neighborhoods and parks we have not visited with a Community Corral this summer (see attached flyer).

For more information and availability of the unit, contact:

Officer Sarah McLaughlin
Madison Police Mounted Patrol Unit Coordinator

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