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Community Policing Blotter

Shout-out to Officer Jesse Harman

July 24, 2014 11:38 AM

Madison Police Officer Jesse Harman recently received recognition from a citizen.  We also want to recognize Officer Harman for his excellent service.  Here is what the citizen had to say:

"I wanted to give praise to Officer Jesse Harman who is out of the North Precinct. I own rental property and have problems with people dumping things at our dumpsters. This would be people that don't live at the property. I spoke to Officer Harman about this several months ago as it was a neighbor dumping things. He went to their residence and spoke to them and warned them they could be cited for this. Today I gave him a license plate number and he also went and talked to the offenders.

Officer Harman has changed my view of Madison Police officers. You always hear that an officer will not respond to you unless there is a crime of significance.

Officer Harman was so very accommodating and helpful. I felt his empathy and this left me feeling very positive. I'm sure my complaint pales in comparison to other police matters however being a small, private landlord who continually spends time and money to remove other's garbage, this is huge.

Thank you!"



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