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Community Policing Blotter

Shout-Out to Officers at Rallies/Protests

December 8, 2014 12:55 PM

Recently, MPD has received several compliments for the officers who have staffed the rallies and protests that have come in light of events in Ferguson and New York. One citizen who attended the demonstration at the South Transfer Point on Friday thanked officers for their service and appreciated how the protestors were able to safely demonstrate their right to free speech. Another citizen said that they were proud of how law enforcement has worked with recent protests.

Thank you to those who took the time to write and email us. MPD is proud of the way our officers have taken the opportunities presented to them to foster and uphold the Constitutional rights to free speech, while at the same time remaining dutiful to our role as guardians within the community.Thank you to the officers who have been a part of this who have tried in earnest to uphold the core values of the Department.

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