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Community Policing Blotter

Community Policing News: Traffic Concerns, Spring 2012

May 1, 2012 8:33 AM

Monroe Street
Recently there have been three instances where pedestrians have been struck by vehicles while crossing Monroe Street.  Given the high volume of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, it is imperative those using the roadway be cognizant of what is going on around them and allow extra time to get to where they are going.  To increase awareness SCPT set up the message board in the recent past which stated "YIELD TO PEDS".  In addition, we deployed the speed board in attempts to gain voluntary compliance with the 25 mph speed zone.  In the near future, we will be conducting enforcement efforts with hopes of reducing the chance for additional accidents.  As a reminder, if you see traffic concerns throughout the City, you can call the speeders hotline at (6028) 266-4624.

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