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Community Policing Blotter

The South Madison Community

May 6, 2016 9:23 AM

South Madison residents and police continue to impress me every day.  Over the past two weeks, there have been many examples of residents and cops working with one another.  As this week winds down, I thought I would share a few recent pictures that really represent the great community we have on the South Side of Madison! 

Residents and officers doing the now annual touch-up painting of the community street mural at the corner of Turbot and Sunfish Court:



The recent "Unpaid Ticket Resolution Day" where over 90 people came in and negotiated community service hours and payments:

ticket res 1

ticket res 2

A rally for peace at Penn Park in response to recent gun violence around the entire city:

gun rally

The "May Day" rally and march starting from Brittingham Park:

may day

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