Fire Safety Guidance for Streatery Tents, Canopies, Dining Domes, and other Membrane Structures

Size limitation – Each structure may not exceed 400 square feet. Any structure greater than 400 square feet requires a permit and site plan approval.

Location – Structures shall be 10 feet from buildings. Structures shall be 3 feet from other temporary structures. IFC3103.8.2

Exit – If side walls (one or more) are utilized, one marked exit shall be provided. The exit shall not be secured with zippers, Velcro, ties, or other means. IFC 3103.12.2

Heating – Fossil fuel and/or open flame heaters are not permitted. All other heating appliances must comply with the appliance manufacturer’s instructions. (3 ft. of clearance on all sides is typical) IFC 3107.12

Flame Retardant – The membrane structure must be flame retardant. The certificate stating the test used to certify that the tent meets flame retardancy must be affixed to the structure or on-site at all times. “Flame resistant” is not the same as “flame retardant”. Open flame cooking, smoking and candles are not permitted IFC 3107.04

Electrical Devices and lighting – Please contact Building Inspection 608-266-4551.

Generators – Generators must be 10 ft. from the structure.

Anchored Structures shall be anchored, secured, or weighted to withstand 45 mph wind gusts IFC 3103.9

Emergency Plans – Plans and procedures must be developed to safely evacuate the structure in case of fire, severe weather, or other emergencies. IFC 3106.4.1

Fire Extinguishers – Shall be within 75 feet of travel distance, visible, not obstructed inspected and serviced. IFC 3107.9

Fire Lanes – Structures may not be located in the fire lanes, street, or obstruct access to the building fire hose connections. IFC 3103.8

Buildings – Structures shall not block access or egress to or from nearby buildings. IFC3103.8.2

Snow – Snow load shall be determined. Temporary structure will be vacated after a half inch of snow accumulates on membrane.

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