Frequently Asked Questions on New Service

picture of bus riders

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Network Redesign taking place?

Metro has not drastically changed its service in more than 20 years. The transportation needs of the region have changed since then.

This new design is meant to address those changes as well as a number of long-standing customer concerns including service is too confusing, travel times are too long, and it takes too long to transfer.

This new service will also coordinate Metro’s routing with its upcoming Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT) in 2024.

When does the redesign take place?

June 11, 2023

I thought BRT started in 2024. Which is it?

Metro’s complete redesign of all its routes starts in June, 2023. Bus Rapid Transit service, which includes new passenger stations, larger buses, and a streamlined east to west route, starts in 2024.

I see Route A starts in June of this year. I thought this was a BRT route. What's going on?

Route A will start as a regular Metro route in June of 2023.

It will travel on the same streets as the upcoming BRT system, BUT will operate as a regular route. Route A will become a BRT line in 2024 when construction is complete.

Is Metro taking feedback on the Redesign routes before they go into effect in June 2023?

Metro always appreciates customer feedback. After new redesigned service has been operating for a few weeks in June, staff will review rider and driver feedback to see if any minor tweaks need to be made in August. Service adjustments will most likely be made again in December based on continued feedback.

Will the Transfer Points still be available?

No. The West, East, and North Transfer Points will no longer be used. The location of the South Transfer Point will continue to be a place for riders to catch the bus, however, the structure will be replaced with standard Metro shelters.

I am used to using transfer points. How will I transfer in the redesign to get where I need to go?

We are encouraging customers to look at the new service a little differently than in the past.

The new system provides more travel opportunities that don’t require a transfer. However, when trips do require multiple routes, there may be several different locations that provide connection opportunities such as routes traveling along the same stretch of roads or at a single stop where routes intersect.

Connection opportunities will become more clear when online trip planning data is available. Metro is also working on developing a printed map that shows good connection opportunity locations.

Are there plans for more Park & Ride locations?

Sun Prairie and the Dutch Mill Park & Ride locations will continue to be served in the redesign. A future park and ride is planned for Junction and Watts on the west side.

Will fares increase?

No. There are no plans to change fares or costs to regular bus service or paratransit.

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