Bird & Nature Adventures | Tenney Park
Event Description

Groundhogs in Love ~ Celebrate Groundhog Day and Valentines Day with a beautiful nature walk at Tenney Park! Join Naturalist Paul Noeldner on a free fun educational family friendly guided walk to learn about Groundhogs, Muskrats, Chipmunks and other cute critters that sleep through most of Winter but sometimes wake up on warmer days to get a snack - or go Looking for Love! We will look for and learn to identify den locations and critter tracks and signs.
Nature-expert guided walks in Tenney Park along Lake Mendota and the Yahara River Parkway bike path through the Madison Isthmus are free, family-friendly and held the first Saturday of each month, from 1:30-3pm. The walk begins at the Tenney Beach parking lot, 1330 Sherman Avenue. No registration is required. No pets are allowed. Co-sponsored by Madison FUN Friends of Urban Nature, Madison Parks, Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association and Friends of the Yahara River Parkway