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Community Policing Blotter

Collaboration with West Middleton Elementary School

April 26, 2017 3:02 PM

Today several of us in the West District took part in a meeting at the West Middleton Elementary School.    I was surprised to hear that about 144 elementary age children who live in Morraine View area attend the West Middleton School.   We decided to meet with reps from Joining Forces for Families, WI Youth Company, Urban League, Middleton School District and the prinicipal of West Middleton to try to come up with ideas on how to engage the kids from the Morrraine View area, in after school programming.   There seems to be a lack of affordable after school activities for these children.  We have seen an increase in calls for service for that area. 

We are hoping that by providing after school activities, we will see a decrease in police related calls to that area.  We also discussed ways in which to engage the families more in the kids lives.  The discussions today were encouraging but everything costs money.  If you are interesting in helping out or volunteering your time, contact me and I can point you in the right direction. 

? west middleton


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