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Community Policing Blotter

Time for Football!

August 22, 2017 4:03 PM

Officer Justin Nelsen is one of our West District Neighborhood Officers assigned to the Theresa/ Betty's/Park Edge/Park Ridge area.  He recently organized a one day football camp at Edgewood for some kids who may not otherwise be able to attend.  Here is what he had to say;

? Madison Police Department in collaboration with Elver Park Neighborhood Center and Edgewood High School's Varsity football team held the second annual football day camp at Edgewood High School for youth living in high crime neighborhoods.  20 youth participated from around the city and lunch was catered by Jason's Deli.  The camp focused on teaching football skills along with building relationships between youth and police.  This camp also focused on bridging race and socio-economic gaps between the Edgewood Football team and participating youth.  Special thanks to Coach Al Minnaert, Edgewood High School's Head Football Coach, Monique Bryson, Director at The Elver Park Neighborhood Center, and Sarah Hall from Falk Elementary. 





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