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Community Policing Blotter

South District Community Policing Team to Canvass Neighborhoods

February 24, 2016 9:25 AM

Officers from the South District Community Policing Team (CPT) were out last weekend canvassing neighborhoods that were hit by recent thefts from autos.  Officers put flyers on cars to remind residents to keep their cars locked and to hide valuables when cars are left parked.  The South CPT will be out again this week to continue their prevention efforts.

Since January 1st, approximately 20% of all theft from autos in the city have occurred in the South District.  A majority of these thefts have involved unlocked cars.  As the weather gets warmer, more people will be out and about.  With that in mind, please keep your homes and vehicles secure to avoid becoming a victim of theft or a burglary. 

lock car flyerlock car flyer 2

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