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Image is of a cartoon mindfully shopping in a grocery store - and she is dancing

By planning your meals and storing your foods correctly, you can save money and the Earth.

The average family of four wastes $1,500 a year in uneaten food.

And think of all the water, time, fuel, and other resources that went into growing, preparing, and shipping the food to your table, only for it to be wasted.

Use the below tools to help you with meal planning:


The Meal Prep Mate (Natural Resource Defense Council)

  • Learn the how, why, and what you need about meal preparation.

Meal Planning Tips (EPA)

  • A simple list of helpful tips

FDA Articles

There are many for-profit meal planning services and smart phone apps that can be purchased to help guide careful food waste. But, as with food, be a smart consumer and read up what they offer before signing up for the their plans.


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