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K9 Blotter

Help Support the MPD K9 Unit!

December 20, 2018 9:56 AM

A message from Capital K9s:


On behalf of Capital K9s and the Madison Police Department, we are writing to you today asking for your help to s-t-r-e-t-c-h our Capital K9 dollars as far as possible!  


A vendor we hope to purchase another K9 from -- F.M. K9 -- is running a "give-back" contest on its Facebook page. The law enforcement agency that gets the most votes in the contest between now and December 25th will win 50% off the purchase price of a K9 and on-site training for its handler. To vote for us, please CLICK HERE and mention the "Madison (Wis) Police Department K9 Unit" in the comments. You can vote once per day! 


If you already voted because you saw news about the contest in our Facebook feed, we appreciate your support! If not, vote today and share our post to encourage more people to do the same.



Thank you so much for your support -- and Happy Holidays from all of us at Capital K9s.

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