West Badger Road & South Park Street Concept Plan




As you may know, the City of Madison will soon begin a process to develop the majority of the block at W Badger Road and S Park Street. The recently adopted South Madison Plan calls out this site for redevelopment into a transit oriented mixed-use center incorporating housing, offices, and commercial uses to compliment the adjacent CDA-owned Village on Park. The development area covers approximately 4 acres of City-owned land including the former Metro South Transfer Point and former Centro Hispano site.


I am emailing to invite you to our first community meeting for the project which will be held virtually on Wednesday, July 19 from Noon to 1:00 pm on Zoom and in-person on Wednesday, July 19 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the Village on Park Atrium. The contents of both meetings will be the same and will include a brief staff presentation on background information, overview of the concepts, and the proposed project timeline with plenty of time for Q&A .


Information on the meetings and registration information for Zoom can be found here:

Webpage: https://www.cityofmadison.com/dpced/planning/west-badger-road-and-south-park-street-concept-plan/3906/


Zoom registration: https://cityofmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwodumrpjsqHtUd7KXwnYaDhAC7uhBZk7a7#/registration


I hope to see you, your staff, and neighbors on the 19th.



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Alder Isadore Knox, Jr.

Alder Isadore Knox Jr.

District 14
Contact Alder Knox Jr.