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East District Blotter

MSCR Superhero Training Camp

October 14, 2015 12:41 PM

Officer Thai Xiong pictured with child dressed as superhero the Flash
East Community Police Team Officers Dao and Thai Xiong recently participated in the Madison School Community Recreation Superhero Training Camp. This event brings community and service providers together for a series of activities. Each team is a parent and child from the community. Successful participation in the activities earns the parent/child team a stamp for a superhero cape.

For this event, Dao ran the laser run. As each participant completed the task, Dao measured the speed with a traffic laser device. While this tool is normally in service to document speeding observations of officers, today it was used for a positive interaction between the police and the community served. The top speed for a child was a very fast 11 miles per hour and the top speed for a parent was a little faster at 14 miles per hour.

MSCR Superhero Training Camp

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