12 Days of Holiday Safety: Day 12 = Safety All Through the Year


What if every home had a working smoke alarm? That was the question more than 40 years ago when national statistics counted an average of 10,000 fire‐related deaths every year in the U.S.
The answer to the question turned out to be an astounding 50% reduction in fire‐related deaths.

Once again this year, the City of Madison Fire Department was awarded a Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that allowed department members to install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms in hundreds of Madison homes.

More than anything, these highly-competitive grants offered a unique opportunity for Department personnel to develop a closer connection to the community we serve.

Madison firefighters and paramedics will always be there to respond to emergencies. But the MFD wants you to know that even when it’s not an emergency, our Department is working with you to improve public safety.
Thank you for your continued trust and partnership in the keeping Madison safe.

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