Madison Water Utility seeing impact of upcoming Oscar Mayer closure


Water use at Oscar Mayer’s Madison production facility has started to drop significantly ahead of its planned closure in March. The plant’s water use through August is down 24 percent – or 68.7 million gallons – from the same time period in 2014, the last year the plant was at full production.
The decline in water use at Oscar Mayer means a loss in revenue so far this year of about $172,000 for Madison Water Utility. When it was in full production, Oscar Mayer typically used 30-40 million gallons a month. Last month, it used about 23 million gallons. Oscar Mayer has long been the top commercial/industrial water user in Madison by far, and it remains that way today. Once the plant is fully closed, Madison Water Utility will see an estimated $1 million annual drop in revenues.

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