2021 Grants to Beautify Your Neighborhood or Build Capacity!


Grant Applications Due March 15

These days many of us have been spending a lot more time at home, and in some cases we are getting out in the neighborhood more than ever before. We may be taking walks, visiting parks and stopping at neighborhood businesses for our take-out orders. Perhaps you are noticing opportunities to beautify something in your area, or maybe you are getting more involved with your neighborhood group or business association. You may be feeling a deeper sense of place and a desire to get involved in making your neighborhood even better. The Planning Division's 2021 Neighborhood Grant Program may be able to assist you with a small grant. Check out the Grant Guidelines for more information. New this year, your neighborhood group or business association could earn up to 10 BONUS POINTS for incorporating a COVID-19 recovery initiative into your project proposal. Consider attending an OPTIONAL WORKSHOP on February 1st at 6:00 p.m. or February 15th at 6:00 p.m. for guidance on how to apply and to hear what other neighborhoods are considering doing. What will you and your neighbors propose? Imagine the possibilities and apply now!



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