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Central District Blotter

Central District Command

March 15, 2023 11:17 AM

Greetings Central District:
In February the Central District received three new Commanders at our annual "shift change" we have in the department.  Before introducing Command staff, I want to acknowledge my early observations of the Central District in general, from Sergeants, Detectives and Officers.  In my 6 weeks in the Central District I have witnessed the extreme professionalism, hard-working and talented staff working to keep all of us safe.  The Officers have been working hard to take guns off the street, arrest OWI suspects, save domestic situations from worsening violence and have displayed the compassion and understanding with the most vulnerable in society.  You should be extremely proud of your Central Officers and the work they perform 24/7.  I am.  

Lieutenant (LT) Dave Meinert started with MPD in 2000 and has held numerous positions in the department.  Currently he is the Operations LT in which he manages patrol resources, the Community Police Team (CPT) and our Neighborhood Officers.  He also leads our District in various problem-solving efforts.  LT Meinert has a background with our Criminal Intelligence Section, community police team, street supervisor and more.  In his free time he enjoys working out, various music venues, travel and spending time outdoors.  

Lieutenant (LT) Matt Nordquist started with MPD in 2002 and also has held numerous positions within the department.  For several years Matt was a Detective and then a Detective Supervisor prior to promoting to LT.  LT Nordquist was a long-term member of SWAT before promoting.  LT Nordquist is responsible for reading reports that come into the District and then determining follow-up measures.  He supervises the Central District Detectives and assigns cases.  LT Nordquist also is involved in problem-solving measures in the Central District.  In his free time he enjoys working out, travel, sports and spending time outdoors.  

Both Lieutenants are highly educated, professional and hard working.  They have the best interests in mind for keeping Officers and the Community safe and professional.  

I have been with MPD since 2001. In my time here I have held several positions which I have all felt like they "were the best jobs in the department" from patrol, PIO, neighborhood Officer, patrol Sgt, Training Sgt, LT and now Captain.  It has been a true honor to work in the city that I grew up in.  As the Central District Captain I am responsible for managing the District internally and externally.  I have worked in the Central District in the past and it is great to return.  There are a lot of great efforts by many agencies and service providers all trying to keep the Central District safe, clean, friendly and welcoming.  I have been meeting with various organizations and stakeholders and will continue to do so to understand all the assets of the Central District.  As I told our employees at a recent training, there is added energy going to work in the Central District as you are always going to the pulse of the city. In my free time I enjoy working out, athletics, time with family, reading history and being outside.  

Captain Mike Hanson

Central District-Madison Police Department

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