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Central District Blotter

Property Crime Increase - Williamson Street Neighborhood

July 8, 2016 8:21 AM


Within the last several months the Williamson Street Neighborhood has seen an increase in property crimes, especially theft from autos.


The Madison Police will be walking the area on Jennifer, Spaight and Morrison streets this morning to distribute flyers.


A copy of the flyer is attached.


Capt Carl Gloede


Within the last several months the Williamson Street Neighborhood has seen an increase in property crimes, especially theft from autos.


The Madison Police will be walking the area on Jennifer, Spaight and Morrison streets this morning to distribute flyers.


A copy of the flyer is attached.


Within the last several months the Williamson Street Neighborhood has seen an increase in property crimes, especially theft from autos.


The Madison Police will be walking the area on Jennifer, Spaight and Morrison streets this morning to distribute flyers.



Capt Carl Gloede

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