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City of Madison

2016: Bodiless Homicide Investigations and Prosecutions

Missing persons investigations are challenging investigations-did the person go missing voluntarily or are they a homicide victim? Law enforcement struggles with the investigation knowing it is likely a homicide but the investigation hits a dead end because the main evidence-the victim's remains are never located. Bodiless Homicide prosecutions are rare. Dane County, WI has three successful convictions of bodiless homicides-all were domestic related. This course, taught by a detective and a prosecutor, who has two bodiless homicide convictions under his belt, will provide tools to not only solve but prosecute these cases by taking an in-depth look at a 30 year old missing person case. While each case is unique, there are commonalties in undertaking a bodiless homicide investigation as well as prosecuting them. This course would be valuable for detectives and investigators struggling with a missing person case that is actually a homicide.

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