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City of Madison

2018: No Body Homicide Investigations

Is your missing person case a homicide? Many are - but without the victim's body, many cases remain unsolved and unprosecuted. This two-day class, geared to detectives and prosecutors, will provide investigative tools to build a prosecutable murder case as well as take it to trial without a body being recovered. The presenters are AAG Robert Kaiser, who has prosecuted two No-Body homicide cases, and Lt. Marianne Flynn Statz. They have presented to local, state and international audiences on this topic. Guest presenter, Tad DiBiase, former federal homicide prosecutor, and author of "No Body Homicide Cases", the textbook on Investigating, Prosecuting and Winning cases when the victim is missing, will be addressing the nexus of missing/abducted child cases and No-body homicides.

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