Items of Interest


Common Council - April 30 -- Agenda Items of Interest

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a 2-year, competitively selected service contract with MSA Professional Services, Inc. for the Vilas Park Master Plan.  

I'll be meeting this Wednesday with city staff to get an update on where we're at with the Vilas Park Master Plan process.

Approving the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the sale of 1402 South Park Street, the former Truman Olson United States Army Reserve Center, (the "Property") and establishing a process for the review of responses to the RFP and selection of a buyer for the Property. 

SSM has agreed in principle to a pause in their plan to build a new clinic on the site of the Pick 'N Save, the only full-service grocery store serving South Madison.  This new RFP reflects the city's effort to fast-track a grocery store on the adjacent Truman Olson property. 

Adopting the Triangle Monona Bay Neighborhood Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan and dissolving the Triangle and Monona Bay Ad-Hoc Neighborhood Plan Steering Committee.

The redevelopment of the Triangle represents the largest undertaking of its kind for our city. The Steering Committee gleaned a tremendous amount of resident input.  The resulting Neighborhood Plan is exciting and holds a great deal of promise. As your Alder, I will make certain the city protects the rights of Triangle residents throughout the redevelopment process.

Affirming the principles of fundamental human rights and equality for women in our community and supporting the United States ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

Supporting the inclusion of Driver License for All provisions in the 2019 Wisconsin State Budget, to ensure equal access to driver licenses for all residents of Wisconsin.

Calendar items of interest:

WRTP/BIG STEP is holding a Construction Job/Career Fair on Tuesday, April 30th from 1-4:00 at Centro Hispano (810 West Badger Road).  Adults and teens are invited.  There will be contactors looking to hire and construction professionals willing to give great career advice on how to get started in these careers that pay family supporting wages/benefits.

On May 1st, tens of thousands of immigrant workers and their families will participate in a Day Without Latinxs & Immigrants general strike and statewide mobilization on the Capitol in Madison to urge the state legislature to restore driver licenses and state ID cards for immigrant families and low-income people in Wisconsin. This means no work, no school, and no buying. The rally at the Capitol begins in Madison at 11am. 

You may reach me at if you have any questions, concerns or need assistance.

All my best,







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Alder Tag Evers

Alder Tag Evers

District 13
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