
Common Council Office
210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Room 417
Madison, WI 53703

Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 4:30pm

Phone: 608-266-4071
WI Relay Service: 711

Fax: 608-267-8669

Contact Us


Karen Kapusta-Pofahl, PhD, MPA

Common Council Chief of Staff

Responsibilities: Provides for the strategic management of the Council Office and staff, developing staff and program level strategies, setting priorities, problem solving and providing leadership to ensure optimal support for Alders in the execution of Alder initiatives and responsibilities. The Chief of Staff provides expert consultation and support in the analysis of City policy and assists individual Alders in navigating the City legislative and administrative processes and procedures. The Chief of Staff builds relationships and serve as a communication and policy liaison between the Common Council Office, the Mayor's Office, City managers and staff, and the public.

Isaac Matthias

Legislative Analyst

Responsibilities: Provides research and analysis under direction of the Council Chief of Staff from Common Council members, the Common Council Executive Committee, and the Common Council President. Conducts data analysis. Works with other City agencies, external governmental agencies, or private entities to gather information regarding proposals pending before the Common Council. Authors reports on issues pending before the Common Council as directed.

Lorissa Bañuelos

Community Engagement Strategist

Responsibilities: Provides communications and public relations work within a citywide strategic and equity focused context, and assists alders with developing public information and internal communications materials and activities for the Common Council. Collaborates with other agencies to improve City of Madison Boards, Commissions and Committees structure, recruitment, and training.

Liz Windsor

Legislative Process Liaison

Responsibilities: Provides staff support relative to the development and implementation of Common Council legislative, financial and other administrative processes, programs and functions. Provides support for the city's legislative database (Legistar), and develops and implements legislative training materials, budgetary documentation and fiscal controls, personnel/payroll and purchasing, and records and data management for the Common Council office.

Debbie Fields

Program Assistant 2

Responsibilities: Provides secretarial and administrative support work for alders. Coordinates neighborhood meetings/events, prepares correspondence, prepares Council chambers and responds to resident, staff, and alder requests and questions.

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