District 13 Updates: Zoning Ordinances Update, Office Hours


Hi Everyone,

Proposed Zoning Ordinance Changes

Here are some new updates and links regarding the housing-related ordinances making their way through the review process (Legistar 63902).

1)      Staff recently recorded a ~35 min. video presentation, with a brief introduction by the Mayor, which will be played at the Housing Strategy Committee meeting tomorrow, 2/25, 4:30 PM, and again at the beginning of the virtual Community Q&A Session on Monday, March 1, 5:30-7:30 PM. Folks need to pre-register to attend the March 1 meeting here.

2)      Staff have added some additional layers to the Interactive Zoning Map to make it easier to see which zoning districts the proposed changes would apply to.  If you click on the “Layers” icon in the upper right corner, you can add or take away different layers, depending on what you’d like to see:

·       “Conditional Use Threshold and Density Adjustment Districts” (new)

·       “Removal of Dispersion Requirement Districts” (new)

·       “Aldermanic Districts”

·       “Neighborhood Association Boundaries”


Office Hours

Please join me for Office Hours this Friday morning from 8am to 10am. Here is the zoom invite:


Meeting ID: 836 6319 2580

Passcode: 774054

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,83663192580#,,,,*774054# US (Washington DC)

+13126266799,,83663192580#,,,,*774054# US (Chicago)


Take care and stay safe,


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Alder Tag Evers

Alder Tag Evers

District 13
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