University Crossing approved by Plan Commission


The Madison Plan Commission has approved demolition and rezoning for University Crossing, a $100 million redevelopment of the former Erdman headquarters at University Avenue and Whitney Way. The 14 acre project was approved unanimously Monday evening.

Earlier in the evening, the Landmarks Commission unanimously rejected a landmark nomination for one of the site's buildings, the former Erdman office and shop at 5117 University Avenue, clearing the way for the development to move forward. Commissioners agreed that while Marshall Erdman was an important figure in Madison history, this was not enough to justify preserving a building that did not exemplify his work or that of architect William Kaeser.

The rezoning application goes to the Common Council on October 4. A separate process to create a Tax Incremental Finance district for the project has cleared all city approvals, but still needs approval from the Joint Review Board, which has representatives of all of the tax jurisdictions involved. That meeting will probably be scheduled for early October.

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John Guequierre

Alder John P. Guequierre

District 19
Contact Alder Guequierre
