Neighborhood Meeting: Interstate Corridor Study and Potential Milwaukee Street Interchange Alternatives


Where: Steamfitters Local 601 Building, 6310 Town Center Drive
When: Thursday, June 1st, 2023 from 6 to 7:30pm

(Note: the email notification of this update included a typo in the date, now corrected in this post. Apologies for any confusion.)

You're invited! Please join your neighbors for a public meeting with Wisconsin Department of Transportation staff and City Transportation staff about WisDOT's I-39/90/94 Corridor Study. WisDOT project staff are putting together design alternatives for 67 miles of Interstate highway lanes and interchanges, including several along the East Side of Madison. Here’s the project webpage with more information about the project and its phases.

Rendering of possible new Milwaukee Street Interchange design

This event will include a special emphasis on the potential Milwaukee Street/I-94 Interchange project just east of District 3. I will be there as well to participate in the discussion and hear folks' feedback.

Here's a rendering of a potential new interchange design alternative (draft):


If you can't make it to the meeting, no worries! I will continue to share information via my Alder blog.

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Alder Derek Field

Alder Derek Field

District 3
Contact Alder Field
