Meet AE Lance Radock

AE Lance Radock
Eight new Apparatus Engineers (AEs) were recently promoted and assigned to a station near you! Get to know them on the MFD Blog.

Where are you stationed?
I'm at Station 10 (Troy Drive) on the B shift.

What was your previous assignment?
I was a firefighter at Station 9 (Midvale Blvd.) on the B shift.

How long have you served with the MFD?
I am in my 9th year with MFD.

Why did you want to be an Apparatus Engineer?
It's a great opportunity to learn more about a different aspect of the job, and take on more responsibility, while also challenging myself. Additionally, I think it will help me develop into a more balanced officer at some point. Plus, who doesn’t want to drive fire trucks?

What's different about the way you approach your job and respond to calls every day?
There is a great deal more responsibility with regards to crew safety and decision making. Being a paramedic helped with learning territory, but as an AE there are so many facets about territory, building construction, traffic, etc., that you never thought about before. There's also a lot of math and science behind the job that you never really would think about otherwise.

I feel that transitioning from Firefighter to Paramedic, and now to AE, definitely gives me a better perspective on the job as a whole.

What's the most rewarding aspect of the job for you?
The most rewarding aspect of this job is the ability to help people in their times of need. There is no better feeling than knowing that you have been able to change someone’s life for the better, and to have a direct impact on them.

I have to say it is also a great feeling to be a role model for kids. I love it when people come up to the rig with their kids and just want to admire it and meet the crew.

I feel very fortunate to have been given the opportunities I have in this career. I grew up around the MFD with my dad being on the department, but it is completely different when you are actually at a station. I came from the private sector in sales before getting hired here, and I think that helps me realize how great of a career this is and how lucky we are.

What do you do when you're not working at MFD?
In my spare time I love water skiing and surfing the most, and I try to spend as much time on the lake as possible. I also snow ski, ride my motorcycle, snowmobile, and work on my house. As far as other jobs, I own a gym in Verona, which takes up a good deal of my free time.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?
There is one thing I learned early on from my first Lieutenant, Paul Carow, and AE Jon Byrd, which I think will be very valuable in my position as AE: They taught me how much money to plug the meters with on Johnson St. when stopped with a rig at Fire Admin. I’m pretty sure that will come in handy…

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.

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