Emergency Management

Madison's Emergency Management Office is located within the City of Madison Fire Department. The Emergency Management Team consists of City staff and is led by coordinator Bill Sullivan. The team works to plan and develop strategies to ensure Madison is ready for large-scale hazardous events.
Emergency management is the responsibility of local government. In the event of an incident or disaster, City agencies are the first to arrive and the last to leave. City teams often work with county, state, and federal government partners. Many different agencies work together to prepare, respond, and recover during emergency events.
Get Prepared
- Make a Plan, Ready.gov
- Build a Kit (Checklist), Ready.gov
- Prepare Your Pets for Disasters, Ready.gov
- Sign Up for Emergency Alerts, Dane County
Become a Disaster Volunteer
- National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD)
- American Red Cross
- The Salvation Army
- NWS SKYWARN Storm Spotter Program