Meet Firefighter/EMT Cody Hurtado

Firefighter/EMT Cody Hurtado
Where are you stationed?

I’m at Fire Station 4 (Monroe Street) on the ‘A’ shift.

Why did you want to pursue this career?
A variety of factors attracted me to this career, such as the fast-paced nature of the career, the ability to work with my hands while also using critical thinking skills to help people in time of need, and just the hard-working nature of the career itself. I’ve always admired those who put others before themselves and always wanted to be in a career that allowed me to do that.

Why did you want to work in Madison?
While many things attracted me to Madison, one of the main reasons that attracted me to this city was the ability to be there for a community that has always played a large part in my life and really raised me to be the person I’ve become today. My parents grew up on the east side of town, and most of my extended family resides in many different areas of Madison, so we spent a lot of time in different areas of the city. I also obtained my bachelor degree from UW-Madison and worked at UW Hospital for a couple years prior to joining MFD. I always wanted to serve this community and be there for a community like Madison, which has already given me more than I can ever repay. Once I found MFD, I knew it was the perfect fit to do so.

Do you remember your first call after graduating the recruit academy?
Absolutely. My first call was for a fire alarm on campus only about thirty minutes into my very first shift. While the first-day jitters were most certainly there, I knew with the training I received, I was well equipped with the knowledge I needed to know to carry out my duties on this call. Good thing the academy got me into great shape because one thing I remember about this moment was how many stairs we climbed just to locate where the alarm was coming from.

What has been one of the most rewarding experiences so far?
One very memorable experience for me so far was being a part of the Christmas parade at the American Family Children’s Hospital. Driving by the kids looking down at the engines, ladders and medic units driving by and seeing them smile really struck a chord with me. As far as calls go, so far the most memorable call I’ve been on would have to be for a construction incident where there was a traumatic leg injury.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.

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