Celebrating Our Olbrich Garden Volunteers


Last Tuesday, I had the pleasure of attending Olbrich Botanical Gardens’ annual volunteer celebration. Every year I’m a little overwhelmed by how much work volunteers put in to make the Gardens amazing, and this year was no exception.

At Olbrich, 495 volunteers choose to give their time throughout 2022 so others could enjoy Madison’s public garden. They help in every area of the Gardens, from weeding and mulching to welcoming visitors in the lobby or Bolz Conservatory. One group of volunteers even comes in bright and early, before most people are at work, to get the Conservatory ready for the day’s visitors.

Olbrich Gardens was an important destination for more than 340,000 people in 2022 – a new attendance record! Visitors are back in Madison and a visit to Olbrich is a wonderful way to showcase our city and invite people in to experience Madison.

I appreciate you, Olbrich Volunteers. Thank you for being here to make our gardens the amazing and beautiful resource that they are all year-round. I’m grateful that our community is willing to give the tremendous amount of time that you give and do the variety of tasks that you do for the Gardens. Olbrich is a jewel in our parks system and thrives from your love and attention; it would not be what it is without you.

Thank you for the hours you’ve given Olbrich, the experience you provided Olbrich’s visitors, and the ideas and enthusiasm you bring to your work.

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