Curbside Yard Waste Collection Now Complete; Collection Will Return in the Fall


Last chance pickup is over. Do not set yard waste out for pickup until the fall of 2022..

The Streets Division’s last chance yard waste collection round is complete. All neighborhoods have received their third and final curbside pickup this spring.

Do not place yard waste at the road edge or terrace for pickup at this time.

Curbside collection is now over for the spring and summer months. Crews will return to performing road repair and other duties.

Leaf and yard waste collection will return in the fall. The dates when you should set out your leaves and yard waste for the autumn pickup will be announced when they are posted to the yard waste website later this year.

What to do with yard waste now?
You can take yard waste to one of the three Streets Division drop-off sites.

Drop-off sites are different in 2022.

Please check the drop-off site webpage for locations and hours. The drop-off webpage is

You can also compost yard waste in your own backyard.

More Information
More details about yard waste can be found at

More information about all Streets Division services can be found at


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