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West District Blotter

Mayor's Neighborhood Roundable

October 8, 2015 4:34 PM

A message from the City's Planning Division:


Registration is now open for the 2015 Mayor's Neighborhood Roundtable, scheduled for Saturday, October 24 at Warner Park Community Recreation Center.  The one-half day event (8:00 – registration, 9:00 – Kickoff, 10:00 -Workshops) is an opportunity for neighborhood leaders to share, discuss, and network among other peers.  Please circulate widely to everyone in your neighborhood and to those interested in Madison's neighborhoods.   Please note that Spanish translation will be available.  Please let us know if any other translation assistance is needed.

We conducted a community-wide survey this last summer to help us understand and select workshop topics and table discussions (smaller group of individuals which want to have face-to-face conversation).  Please let us know if you have neighborhood stories/neighborhood leaders who would like to share their experiences and relevant discussions that your constituents would like to have with peers/city officials/city staff.   If you have any questions, please contact Jule Stroick, or at or 608-267-1131 or Angela Puerta at or 608-267-8649 for Spanish language speakers.

Announcements have been sent out to a host of venues:  community centers, nonprofit organizations, neighborhood associations, neighborhood resource teams, planning councils, public libraries, and our My Account list for neighborhoods.  In addition, we have contacted specific organizations such as Centro Hispano and Urban League.  We always welcome other suggestions that you have in getting out the word.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.  Please plan to attend – our neighborhood leaders get so much out of conversations with peers, neighborhood-based organizations, city staff and policy makers. 

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