Let's Get This Started!


A New Day has Arrived

It's offical. I'm your new alder.  Thank you for entrusting me with this responsiblity.

It's been a whirlwind of a week.  Tuesday's swearing in was a special moment, one that gave me pause.

In my home I have a framed photograph of my father shaking hands with JFK at the White House when dad ran for Congress in 1962.  Dad ran boldly on a platform of civil rights and health care for the elderly and the indigent, not popular causes back then.  

My goal is that same spirit of boldness as we face our challenges.

A council with nine freshly-minted alders and a new mayor offers hope for a new beginning, a willingness to think outside the box and the determination to find real solutions to some of our more vexing problems. 

A Big Thanks to Former Alder Allen Arntsen

As exciting as this transition is, I want to take a moment to thank Allen Arntsen for his service to our district over these past 8 months.  Allen's first action as Interim Alder was to initiate the removal of the Confederate Rest monument from Forest Hill cemetery.  That kind of moxie, the willingness to take a stand on a controverisal issue and serve our city's common good, sets a high bar for me as I take office.  I'm thankful for Allen's encouragement and am counting on his wisdom and advice in the days and weeks to come.

Pressing Issues Right off the Bat

The grocery store gap is our most pressing issue.  I'm 100% committed to finding a solution.  I do not accept the notion that a gap is inevitable.  Look for more information in the posts to follow.  In the meantime, this cover story article in this week's Cap Times is a good place to start.

When I knocked on your doors, many of you shared your concerns about our schools. Upon my request, Mayor Satya appointed me to the city's Education Committee.  In future posts, I'll be sharing my thoughts about this critical topic.  We've talked enough about this.  The time is now for bold action.

Be on the lookout for posts on various topics including Lake Wingra and Monona Bay; affordable housing and what that looks like for all our neighborhoods; bringing disparate voices together as we face the challenges of a growing city; climate change and what we as D13 residents can do in response.  

None of Us is as Smart as All of Us

The challenges we face are indeed immense. There's not a lot I can do on my own.  My idea of leadership is less about me doing the work as your elected representative in some solitary capacity and more about collective action by which we can work together for lasting change.  

But, yes, you did elect me to represent you.  It's not all about big pressing issues.  Please feel free to reach out to me with your individual concerns by emailing me at district13@cityofmadison.com.  On the Q & A tab you'l find a rather exhausive list of city services where you may find answers to your questions.  However, if you get stymied and need my help intersecting with city staff, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Let me close with this video featuring stirring words by the late, great Sen Paul Wellstone about grassroots leadership.

Again, I'm incredibly honored to be your alder.  Together we can make a difference!

All my best,


[video:https://youtu.be/38DibExHKEk title:"Paul Wellstone on grassroots leadership"]

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