Country Grove Park Shelter

September 6, 2024 Update

The contractor will be installing water and sanitary sewer utility connections during the week of September 9. The connections will require work within the East Pass right-of-way. Two-way traffic will be maintained during the duration of the work. However, the sidewalk on the east side of the road will be closed during this work. 

The contractor has completed the building foundation and is currently installing the block masonry for the shelter. 

The basketball and futsal court pavement has been completed. The basketball hoops and futsal court surround will be installed in the coming weeks. 

View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • 7353 East Pass
      Madison, WI 53719
  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 7

Project Information

Project Plans

Parks has identified a need for a park shelter building in this area of the city and have identified Country Grove Park as the location. The shelter building will include restrooms, a covered picnic area, and small parking lot. Additional information is available on the City of Madison Engineering Project Page.

A master planning process for Country Grove Park has identified a location for the shelter. The tentative project schedule is outlined below:

  • Public Input and Design Development: Summer-Fall 2023
  • Bidding and Contract Procurement: Winter 2024
  • Construction Start: Spring 2024
  • Construction Complete: Spring 2025

A contractor will be taking soil borings during the month of August 2023. This is not anticipated to impact park activities. 

Public Engagement


Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 6:00pm via Zoom
City Staff will presented the project design and attendees had the opportunity to offer input on the building location/orientation, siding color, parking, and path connections.
Presentation Slides
Meeting Recording

Project Updates

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