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Community Policing Blotter

People Behind the Badge, Continued with Officer Andy Slawek

November 1, 2017 12:58 PM

This blog profiles Officer Andy Slawek.

This year will mark Andy's 10th year at the West District Police Department, with a total of 22 years as a police officer.  Previous to working in the West District, Andy worked for eight years as a TEST officer (Traffic Enforcement Safety Team).  Andy now works as a patrol officer.  Before becoming a police officer, Andy worked as the Midwest trainer for Kinkos Copies after graduating from UW-Madison with a degree in Communication Arts.  Andy enjoys working in the West District because of the variety it presents: the variety of people, the variety of area types (business, residential, etc), and the variety of experiences to be had.  Another aspect of the West District Andy enjoys are his co-workers, whom he describes as friendly and who uphold a feeling of camaraderie in the district.  Andy enjoys working as a police officer because it allows him to help individuals, especially helping them to find the resources they need. 

            When not at work, Andy enjoys coaching youth soccer, something he has been doing for the last 24 years.  Andy says his enjoyment of the sport comes in part from his father and in part because it is a sport anyone can play, regardless of height or body type, unlike other sports such as basketball or football.  Andy also enjoys photography and frequently captures landscapes, sports, and cityscapes as his subjects.  If Andy could vacation anywhere, he would rent out a bungalow in Fiji over the ocean and spend his time snorkeling.





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