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Community Policing Blotter

National Deflection Week 2023

July 20, 2023 10:50 AM

This month we celebrate the efforts and work of those involved in reducing substance use disorder and seeking alternatives to arrest and incarceration.  The National Deflection Week is an opportunity fo rthe Madison Police Department to highlight two Pathways to Recovery (PTR) grant programs (MAARI & ART).

Our PTR MAARI (Madison Area Addiction Recovery Initiative) pre-arrest diversion program seeks to connect individuals with Substance Use Disorder treatment in lieu of arrest and criminal charges.  The MPD has been implementing MAARI since September 2017.

Our PTR Addiction Resource Team uses information as provided by our PTR Data Analyst to pair up with Peer Support Specialists from Safe Communities to provide harm reduction-oriented outreach to locations where individuals have recently suffered either a fatal and non-fatal overdose.  We look forward to expanding this outreach and program later in 2023 and beyond.  

Some of the statistics related to the Pathways To Recovery intiative include:

PTR MAARI program data September 1, 2020 through May 31, 2023:  227 individuals have been referred by MPD officers and staff to the MAARI substance use disorder treatment program.   79 or 25% contacted the Tellurian Treatment Readiness Center and 67 of those were provided a six-month MAARI treatment plan and peer support services upon completing a substance use disorder clinical assessment.   Currently we have 12 individuals in the midst of completing their six-month MAARI program, over 40 have successfully completed six months of treatment with several completing this July and August. 

PTR ART program data September 1, 2020 through May 31, 2023:  MPD officers, data analyst and other staff have identified 1,071 individuals for referral to ART.  972 of those referrals were found eligible for an In Person or Phone Visit; 560 visits were attempted; 346 attempted visits resulted in successful contact where harm reducuction and peer support services were provided. 

Special thanks to our project coordinator from Madison Commuity Policing Foundation, RET. Capt. Joe Balles, for sharing the above information.  

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