Route 629am

High Ridge Trl, Cahill, Royal Wulff, Coachman Pl, Caddis Bend, Fish Hatchery Rd., Mckee, Raymond, Lomax, Jacobs, Hammersley, Elver Park, Morraine View, Gammon, Schroeder and Memorial HS.

Tipo de Servicio: Suplementario

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.


  • Dirección

  • Tipo de Servicio

High Ridge // Gammon // Memorial HS

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.

High Ridge and CahillRaymond and ReetzHammersley and PrairieGammon and Memorial HS
7:24 am7:36 am7:42 am7:52 am
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