1. Plan extra time in your commute!

    Expect delays as snow moves through the area. Drivers maintain schedules as conditions allow.

Information for Developers

Metro Transit Open Data

Metro Transit's scheduled service and real-time system data is publicly available.

By accessing the data in the directories below, you agree to Metro Transit's Developer License Agreement and Terms of Use.

Developer API

Metro now has a Developer API. Create an account and request a key. With the key you will be able to make requests to the Bus Tracker server. 

Create Account / Request Key

Other Available Data

GTFS Schedule Data

Static information for a defined schedule period, including the geographic coordinates of all stops, the mapped alignments of all trip patterns, and the planned departure times for all trips.

Files also include the daily service calendar and general fare information.

Full Description of General Transit Feed Specifications Schedule Data »

GTFS-RT Trip Updates

Real-time stop adherence predictions for the active and pending trips of each vehicle in operation, including stops that may be skipped along a scheduled trip due to detours or other known service issues.

Full Description of General Transit Feed Specifications Trip Updates »

GTFS-RT Alerts

Current listing of known service issues, such as detours, special events, weather conditions or other situations that are likely to impact the scheduled service for the entire system, or specific routes or stops.

Full Description of General Transit Feed Specifications Service Alerts »

GTFS-RT Vehicle Positions

Most recently recorded GPS location of each vehicle in operation, including the active trip being operated and a label for the vehicle's identification number.

Full Description of General Transit Feed Specifications Vehicle Positions »

Contact Metro Staff

If you have questions or need more information on using Metro's transit data feed, email mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.

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