An Update on Madison’s Journey to 100% Renewable Energy
I am writing to share an update on the City of Madison’s progress toward our ambitious goal of powering all municipal operations with 100% renewable energy by 2030. We’ve made considerable strides, with 82% of the City’s electricity coming from renewable sources in 2023—up from 75% in 2020. In total, the City used 44.3 GWh of electricity in 2023 to power essential services, municipal buildings, and its electric vehicle fleet.
Madison’s success is built on smarter internal operations, ongoing renewable energy partnerships, grant funding, and innovative programs championed by City staff like the citywide LED streetlight conversion. Behind-the-meter solar energy is also part of this effort, with solar installations at 38 City sites providing 3% of our energy needs in 2023. We expect this share to grow fivefold to 10 MW of capacity by 2030. Lastly, partnerships like the Hermsdorf Solar Fields and the Butter Solar Project have further advanced our goal and expanded access to clean energy in Wisconsin.
Madison’s journey toward 100% renewable energy isn’t just about reducing emissions—it’s about improving air quality and thus public health, creating economic opportunities, and fulfilling our responsibility to future generations. By acting now, we ensure that the Madison of tomorrow is a thriving community for all. As we approach 2030, this sense of obligation drives us forward. From increasing energy efficiency in operations to expanding access to renewable energy resources, Madison is shaping a future that is sustainable, equitable, and resilient.
Visit the webpage to see a detailed breakdown of our progress toward 100% renewable energy usage for our operations:
How can I be part of the solution?
Supporting Energy Efficiency in your Home
You can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving the energy efficiency of your home. Simple actions like upgrading to Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, installing high-efficiency showerheads, or sealing drafts with door sweeps and pipe insulation can significantly lower energy consumption and utility bills. Check out this list of tips to get started.
There are several programs in Madison that offer energy efficiency and home improvement benefits to income-qualified households in both single-family and multifamily homes. Check out our webpage for more details.
The Efficiency Navigator Program provides free upgrades, such as insulation and efficient HVAC systems, to small and medium multi-family housing, provided rents remain affordable for at least five years. Project Home operates weatherization and home repair services for eligible residents, including insulating attics and walls or replacing inefficient appliances in qualifying multifamily buildings. Additionally, Project Home offers low-cost home repair and accessibility modifications for income-eligible homeowners in Madison.
Supporting Solar Across the Community - MadiSUN
Would you like to switch to renewable energy and help Madison achieve its sustainability goals? MadiSUN, the City of Madison’s initiative, promotes the adoption of solar energy for homes, businesses, and nonprofits. Administered by RENEW Wisconsin, a local nonprofit, the program has already supported the development of over 3 MW of solar energy in our community. Visit the MadiSUN website to learn more about going solar.
This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Mayor's Office.