Madison Water Utility to Upgrade System for Monthly Billing


Madison-The Madison Water Utility has taken the first steps toward a system upgrade that will enable customer meters to be read via a fixed-base radio network and will eventually allow the utility to issue bills monthly rather than at the current six-month intervals. This should make it easier for customers to budget for the municipal services bill, which includes not only water usage but also charges for the City storm water utility, sewer utility, public fire protection, and landfill remediation. Beginning early in 2011, the utility will begin contacting customers to arrange appointments for workers to install the necessary meter modifications. Meters are located within customer homes, usually in the basement, although the registers currently read by meter readers are attached to the outside of houses. When the new electronic meter reading system is fully operational, likely in 2013, customers will be able to review their water use online through their home computers and be able to see the savings from early leak detection and their conservation efforts.


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