Community Meetings Regarding the Development of a Schematic Plan for Buildings at Olbrich Botanical Gardens


Final Public Stakeholder Meeting - Monday, May 20, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Community Meetings Regarding the Development of a Schematic Plan for Buildings at Olbrich Botanical Gardens Final Public Stakeholder Meeting - Monday, May 20, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Topic - Final Schematic Design Presentation A series of five community meetings helping to inform the development of a schematic plan for Olbrich Botanical Gardens' public buildings is culminating with a presentation of the final schematic design on Monday, May 20. Since late 2012, Olbrich has been working with an architectural firm, HGA, to evaluate its building space needs. Final recommendations may include addition(s) to, and/or renovations of, the current buildings to better accomplish Olbrich's mission and better serve its visitors. A series of five public meetings scheduled between January and May gathered input and feedback from meeting attendees and through Olbrich's website. Olbrich is asking for input from neighbors, visitors, members, users, and other stakeholders during this final meeting as well. During the meeting on Monday, May 20, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., HGA will present a final draft of schematic concepts of spaces for visitor, public programming, and garden support facilities. These spaces are based on initial concepts presented at previous meetings, and have been refined based on input and feedback that was received about these spaces. The meeting will feature a presentation by HGA, followed by time for attendees to give comments and feedback regarding the concepts. Visit for up-to-date information, including meeting notes, video of previous meetings, and attendee feedback/comments. The website also offers a way to provide input and comments.


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