Keep Those with Disabilities in Mind as You Shovel Snow and Clear Ice


Wintertime in Wisconsin can be a difficult time for everyone, as snow and ice can make it nearly impossible to get around. One aspect of winter is often overlooked; accessibility for people with disabilities. For example, sidewalks and curb cuts are often not clear and safe enough for everybody’s use. Even small amounts of snow and ice can be the catalyst between autonomy and confinement at home.

Ensuring that citizens with disabilities have access to the same winter activities is a high priority for the City of Madison. This commitment is reflected in the city’s efforts to continually improve accessibility in the wintertime. Everyone can be a part of establishing accessibility for neighbors with visual and mobile impairments.
In addition to City efforts, the Madison Commission on People with Disabilities has developed a public service announcement focusing on the importance of clearing ice and snow from sidewalks and curb cuts. We ask community partners to help spread the word, ensuring access for people with disabilities is not only the law, but also the neighborly thing to do.
For more information about this effort or to receive a copy of the PSA, contact Jason Glozier, Disability Rights and Services Program Specialist at or (608) 266-6511

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