Meet the Author: Kathleen Ernst


Tuesday, February 9th at 1pm

Bestselling author Kathleen Ernst writes award-winning mysteries and historical fiction and non-fiction for adults and young readers. Her work has earned numerous honors, including an Emmy, a LOVEY, and nominations for Edgar and multiple Agatha mystery awards.
Kathleen is a woman of many bonnets, but never one she didn't love! She has been a writer, reader, historical interpreter, curator, reenactor, naturalist and educator. As a child she dreamed of becoming a full time writer and now she has the fun of writing books about ideas that fascinate her, experiences that have moved her and historical tidbits that have captured her imagination!
A Settler's Year is Kathleen's thirty-second book published and second work of non-fiction. At its heart, A Settler's Year is about people dreaming of, searching for, and creating a new home in a new land. Here we discover the challenges and triumphs found in the seasonal rhythms of rural Wisconsin life in the 19th and early 20th centuries. As we turn the pages--traveling from sprawling farm to tidy crossroad village and from cramped and smoky cabins to gracious, well-furnished homes--we experience back-straining chores, cherished folk traditions, annual celebrations, and indomitable spirit that compromised pioneer life. This moving book transports us back to the pioneer era and inspires us to explore the stories found on our own family trees.
Please pre-register by calling: (608) 266-6581


A Settler's Year
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