Residents Asked to Apply to Serve on Task Force on Structure of City Government


Seven Resident Appointments Available - Deadline to Apply 11/3/17

The Common Council adopted Resolution, Legislative File No. 47707 on September 5, 2017 creating a special task force on city governance to examine the structure and powers of the Common Council and its committees and the structure and powers of the Mayor's office.

“This is a great opportunity for residents and elected officials to work together and have an impact on the future structure of Madison’s governance,” said Mayor Soglin. “It is my hope that we have a great cross-section of applicants so the final product is equitable and representative of the entire City.”

There are seven (7) resident appointments are available to be filled; three (3) appointed by the Mayor, three (3) appointed by the Council President and a chair (1) to be appointed jointly by the Mayor and Council President. Four alders will also be appointed to the task force (two by the Mayor and two by the Council President).

The Task Force will examine and report on several issues as they relate to our current form of city governance and examine models for reform (for more information on what the task force will review click here to read the resolution). It is anticipated that the task force will convene in January 2018.

“The city’s continuing growth and increasing diversity requires us to take a look at what kind of governmental structure will strengthen our local democracy and make sure it serves all Madison residents”, said Council President Marsha Rummel.

City of Madison residents are encouraged to apply for the task force by completing an application (MS Word) and emailing it to Mayor's Office. Then electronically submit your Statement of Interests form.

Once you have submitted your completed application it will be reviewed and considered by Council President Rummel and Mayor Soglin.

Deadline to apply to the task force is Friday, November 3, 2017.


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