Cycling Without Age


Free Trishaw Rides

The Madison Senior Center is hosting Madison’s first public demonstration of Cycling Without Age on Monday, September 10 from 10:00 am – 2:000 pm.
Our event coincides with National Senior Center Month, the theme of which is “Building Momentum” Growing – Learning – Giving - Connecting. Cycling Without Age is gaining momentum with their first joint purchase of a trishaw with Oak Park Place of Madison.
A TRISHAW is similar to a rickshaw, but the passengers are in front, and the “driver” uses an E-Bike. It enables passengers with limited mobility opportunities to get outside in the fresh air, socialize, and even get to the bus stop or an appointment.
Cycling Without Age is a 501(c)3 organization that is completely run by volunteers who are passionate about providing this service to older adults. It is already being implemented at private senior facilities, but this is the first time it’s been offered to the public.
You invited to a brief presentation and demonstration on Monday, September 10, at 10:00 am. Following the presentation, volunteers will be around until 2:00pm to give rides and answer questions. Potential volunteers, local officials, and anyone curious or wanting a ride are invited.





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