Food Scraps Recycling at Drop-off Sites Ending October 2


Program will return in 2021

Food scraps recycling at the Streets Division drop-off sites will stop for the year on Friday, October 2, 2020.

The drop-off program will restart in 2021.

Food scraps recycling at the drop-off sites began this year on May 4 and nearly 8 tons of food waste was recycled into compost and electricity instead of going to the landfill.

The food scraps received at the sites was also uniformly clean. One of the persistent challenges with previous attempts at recovering food waste was items mixed in with the food waste that could not be processed – things like plastic bags, towels, and food wrappers. However, the drop-off program did not present these problems.

The Streets Division would like to thank all of those who participated in the program this year and being diligent about recycling only the correct items.

Why is the program ending now?
When the drop-off food scraps recycling program began, it was expected to last until the end of October. Due to the changes in the yard waste collection process, the Streets Division will need the truck used for food scraps as part of the leaf pickup operations earlier than initially expected.

Additional Information
For more information about the food scraps recycling program, please visit



Food scraps recycling station at the Badger Rd drop-off site. Program ends October 2. Will return in 2021.
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