Vision Zero Continues Speed Reductions
Next Up: Sections of Whitney Way and Mineral Point Rd
Beginning Monday, October 4, the City of Madison will move to the next stage of speed changes in this city-wide effort for the Vision Zero initiative. The posted speed limit on Whitney Way, from Sheboygan Ave to Tokay Blvd, will change from 30 mph to 25 mph. Mineral Point Rd, from Whitney Way to Science Dr, will also see a reduction of the posted speed limit from 40 mph to 35 mph. Similar to the recent Whitney Way changes, temporary digital signboards are present in the area to remind drivers of the speed limit changes.
Whitney Way is a residential street with parks, shopping centers and schools nearby. Mineral Point Rd is a higher volume arterial street that is a major roadway on the west side. These speed reductions will change the travel time along this 1.8 mile stretch of Whitney Way by less than 30 seconds, and show no travel time impacts for the very small stretch of Mineral Point Rd. However, lowering the speed limit, even 5 mph, helps ensure the safety of our streets. Data suggests that a fatality is about 70 percent more likely when a person is struck by a vehicle traveling at 30 mph compared to one traveling at 25 mph.
“Every life in our city matters. If adjusting our speeds by only 5 miles per hour can increase the safety of our community, then it is our responsibility to do so” said Yang Tao, City Traffic Engineer.
Additional streets that will welcome speed limit reductions later in 2021 include:
- Cottage Grove Rd
- Drexel to State Highway 51 (reduced to 25 mph from 30 mph)
- State Highway 51 to Flora (reduced to 30 mph from 35 mph)
- N Thompson Dr from Sycamore to State Highway 30 (reduced to 25 mph from 30 mph)
Vision Zero Continues Speed Reductions, Next Up Whitney Way from Raymond Road to the Beltline
What is Vision Zero?
Vision Zero is a data driven strategy intended to eliminate traffic deaths and severe injuries on City streets by 2030 while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.
For more information about the City of Madison’s Vision Zero initiative and to sign up for Vision Zero news updates, please visit the City’s Vision Zero website.
- Vision Zero
- Previous Release: Vision Zero Continues Speed Reductions, Next Up Whitney Way from Raymond Road to the Beltline