Event Rate Increases for City of Madison Parking Garages
The City of Madison Parking Division will increase the event rate in city-owned parking garages effective July 1, 2024. The event rate was last increased from $5 to $8 in 2016. These increases are necessary to maintain facilities, improve the level of service offered, and ensure safe and comfortable parking structures for all. They also address increased operating costs, help balance system demand, and encourage other modes of transportation.
What is the purpose of an event rate?
- Flat rate entry fee during the approximate event timing window shown on the Parking Event page.
- Pay on Entry creates a faster exit plan than the traditional payment at exit.
- Additional staff is required for increased facility demand, traffic congestion, and payments.
- Events typically have a staggered entry (1-3 hours) but create heavy congestion at the end of the event.
- In many cases, on-street and other nearby garages will be at standard rate unless a large event impacts the entire downtown.
Main changes to note
- Event rate is valid for 8 hours of parking
- Event rate may activate 1-3 hours prior to start of event
- State Street Campus and Livingston Street Garage - Event Rate of $15
- Wilson Garage, State Street Capitol, Overture Center, and Capitol Square North - Event rate of $10
Rate increases were approved by the Transportation Commission on May 29, 2024.
Why are there two different rates?
- The State Street Campus and South Livingston Street Garages experience the highest demand for parking during events and do not have nearby facilities available to provide space for added pressure.
- The remaining garages are centrally located, supported by multiple transportation options, and within walking distance of other parking locations.
Visit the Parking Division website for more information about these changes and other parking questions.